Monday, June 29, 2009

The Seedling

Well another thought has been sticking in my mind that I must share with you all.

As I was in prayer the other day I was praying and thinking of what was going on in my life and thought to myself that I had seen no change happening recently. As I began to think those thoughts the Lord gently reminded me to remember the seedling. I thought Lord what do you mean? As I began to think of a seed that is planted in the ground I began to realize exactly what God was saying. A seed is planted in the ground and as long as it is properly cared for it will begin to grow and though we can not see anything happening above the surface there are roots that are growing and taking place. God was trying to say that when we make a positive change in our life we MUST NOT give up simply because we don't see anything happening on the surface because underneath there is a root system being planted. There is a foundation that God will build in our lives first that we may not see but will be foundational to our ministry and our lives as long as we continue to care for it with the proper prayer and reading of God's Word. So many times we as humans are very quick to give up on God because we don't see the effects of the changes we make and decide it's no longer worth the trouble. We must remember however that God will not leave a good thing un-rewarded and also that simply because we can't see anything resulting that there's things happening that we can not see that are building the person we will be for the rest of our lives. So as God reminded me I also want to remind you, Don't forget the seedling.

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